いくつか存在する360度シンボルのうち、特にウェールズの透視者で占星術師のチャルベル(本名:ジョン・トーマス *1826〜†1908)が提唱したものは、モダン占星術の祖であるセファリエル(本名:ウォルター・ゴーン・オールド *1864〜†1929)やアラン・レオ(*1860〜†1917)に紹介されたことから有名になりました。
この時の一連のシンボルはその後1956年に「The Sabian Symbols in Astrology」として出版されました。
後にジョーンズの研究会に参加したデイン・ルディア(*1895〜†1985)は、ジョーンズの許可を得てサビアン・シンボルを補足して解釈し直し、それをさらに1973年にリファインして書籍「An Astrological Mandala」で発表しました。
- 1度(0°〜1°)
- A woman rises out of the water, a seal rises and embraces her.
女性が水から上がり、アザラシが上がって彼女を抱きしめる。 - woman just risen from the sea. A seal is embracing her.
- A woman rises out of the water, a seal rises and embraces her.
- 2度(1°〜2°)
- A comedian entertaining a group.
集団を楽しませるコメディアン。 - A comedian reveals human nature.
- A comedian entertaining a group.
- 3度(2°〜3°)
- A cameo profile of a man in the outline of his country.
己の国の輪郭の中にある男性のカメオの肖像画。 - The cameo profile of a man, suggesting the shape of his country.
- A cameo profile of a man in the outline of his country.
- 4度(3°〜4°)
- Two lovers strolling through a secluded walk.
人目につかない歩道を散歩して通り抜ける2人の恋人たち。 - Two lovers strolling on a secluded walk.
- Two lovers strolling through a secluded walk.
- 5度(4°〜5°)
- A triangle with wings.
翼のある三角形。 - A triangle with wings.
- A triangle with wings.
- 6度(5°〜6°)
- A square brightly lighted on one side.
一辺に明るい光が当たった正方形。 - A square, with one of its sides brightly illumined.
- A square brightly lighted on one side.
- 7度(6°〜7°)
- A man successfully expressing himself in two realms at once.
一度に2つの領域で自分をうまく表現する男性。 - A man succeeds in expressing himself simultaneously in two realms.
- A man successfully expressing himself in two realms at once.
- 8度(7°〜8°)
- A large hat with streamers flying, facing east.
東を向いた、リボンのはためく大きなつば広帽。 - A large woman's hat with streamers blown by an east wind.
- A large hat with streamers flying, facing east.
- 9度(8°〜9°)
- A crystal gazer.
水晶玉占い師。 - A crystal gazer.
- A crystal gazer.
- 10度(9°〜10°)
- A man teaching new forms for old symbols.
古い象徴の新しい形を教える男性。 - A teacher gives new symbolic forms to traditional images.
- A man teaching new forms for old symbols.
- 11度(10°〜11°)
- The president of the country.
国の大統領。 - The ruler of a nation.
- The president of the country.
- 12度(11°〜12°)
- A flock of wild geese.
雁の群れ。 - A triangularly shaped flight of wild geese.
- A flock of wild geese.
- 13度(12°〜13°)
- An unsuccessful bomb explosion.
失敗した爆弾の爆発。 - An unexploded bomb reveals an unsuccessful social protest.
- An unsuccessful bomb explosion.
- 14度(13°〜14°)
- A serpent coiling near a man and a woman.
男性と女性のそばでとぐろを巻く大蛇。 - A serpent coiling near a man and a woman.
- A serpent coiling near a man and a woman.
- 15度(14°〜15°)
- An Indian weaving a blanket.
毛布を織るインディアン。 - An Indian weaving a ceremonial blanket.
- An Indian weaving a blanket.
- 16度(15°〜16°)
- Brownies dancing in the setting sun.
夕陽の中で踊るブラウニー(妖精)たち。 - Nature spirits are seen at work in the light of sunset.
- Brownies dancing in the setting sun.
- 17度(16°〜17°)
- Two prim spinsters.
2人の堅苦しい未婚婦人。 - Two dignified spinsters sitting in silence.
- Two prim spinsters.
- 18度(17°〜18°)
- An empty hammock.
空のハンモック。 - An empty hammock stretched between two trees.
- An empty hammock.
- 19度(18°〜19°)
- The magic carpet.
魔法の絨毯。 - The "magic carpet" of oriental imagery.
- The magic carpet.
- 20度(19°〜20°)
- A young girl feeding birds in winter.
冬に鳥たちに餌をやる少女。 - A young girl feeding birds in winter.
- A young girl feeding birds in winter.
- 21度(20°〜21°)
- A pugilist entering the ring.
リングに上がる拳闘家。 - A pugilist enters the ring.
- A pugilist entering the ring.
- 22度(21°〜22°)
- The gate to the garden of desire.
欲望の庭への門。 - The gate to the garden of all fulfilled desires.
- The gate to the garden of desire.
- 23度(22°〜23°)
- A woman in pastel colors carrying a heavy and valuable but veiled load.
価値があり重いが覆われた荷物を運ぶパステルカラーの服を着た女性。 - A pregnant woman in light summer dress.
- A woman in pastel colors carrying a heavy and valuable but veiled load.
- 24度(23°〜24°)
- An open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia.
開いた窓とコルヌコピアの形に膨らむレースのカーテン。 - Blown inward by the wind, the curtains of an open window take the shape of a cornucopia.
- An open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia.
- 25度(24°〜25°)
- A double promise.
二重の約束。 - The possibility for man to gain experience at two levels of being.
- A double promise.
- 26度(25°〜26°)
- A man possessed of more gifts than he can hold.
抱えきれないほどの贈り物を所持する男性。 - A man possessed of more gifts than he can hold.
- A man possessed of more gifts than he can hold.
- 27度(26°〜27°)
- Lost opportunity regained in the imagination.
想像の中で取り戻される失われた機会。 - Through imagination a lost opportunity is regained.
- Lost opportunity regained in the imagination.
- 28度(27°〜28°)
- A large disappointed audience.
落胆した大聴衆。 - A large audience confronts the performer who disappointed its expectations.
- A large disappointed audience.
- 29度(28°〜29°)
- A celestial choir singing.
天上の聖歌隊が歌う。 - The music of the spheres.
- A celestial choir singing.
- 30度(29°〜30°)
- A duck pond and its brood.
アヒルの池とそのアヒル一族。 - A duck pond and its brood.
- A duck pond and its brood.
- 1度(0°〜1°)
- A clear mountain stream.
澄んだ渓流。 - A clear mountain stream.
- A clear mountain stream.
- 2度(1°〜2°)
- An electrical storm.
激しい雷雨。 - An electrical storm.
- An electrical storm.
- 3度(2°〜3°)
- Steps up to a lawn blooming with clover.
クローバーの咲く芝生へ昇る階段。 - Natural steps lead to a lawn of clover in bloom.
- Steps up to a lawn blooming with clover.
- 4度(3°〜4°)
- The rainbow's pot of gold.
虹の根本の黄金の壺。 - The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
- The rainbow's pot of gold.
- 5度(4°〜5°)
- A widow at an open grave.
開いた墓の前の未亡人。 - A widow at an open grave.
- A widow at an open grave.
- 6度(5°〜6°)
- A bridge being built across a gorge.
峡谷に架かる橋。 - Cantilever bridge across a deep gorge.
- A bridge being built across a gorge.
- 7度(6°〜7°)
- A woman of Samaria.
サマリアの女(水を汲みに来た井戸でイエス・キリストから命の水(信仰)を受け取った異教徒の女性)。 - The woman of Samaria at the ancestral well.
- A woman of Samaria.
- 8度(7°〜8°)
- A sleigh without snow.
雪のない橇。 - A sleigh on land uncovered by snow.
- A sleigh without snow.
- 9度(8°〜9°)
- A Christmas tree decorated.
飾り付けられたクリスマスツリー。 - A fully decorated Christmas tree.
- A Christmas tree decorated.
- 10度(9°〜10°)
- A Red Cross nurse.
赤十字社の看護師。 - A Red Cross nurse.
- A Red Cross nurse.
- 11度(10°〜11°)
- A woman sprinkling flowers.
花々に水を撒く女性。 - A woman watering flowers in her garden.
- A woman sprinkling flowers.
- 12度(11°〜12°)
- Window-shoppers.
ウィンドウショッピングをする人々。 - A young couple window-shopping.
- Window-shoppers.
- 13度(12°〜13°)
- A man handling baggage.
荷物を運ぶ男性。 - A porter carrying heavy baggage.
- A man handling baggage.
- 14度(13°〜14°)
- Shellfish groping and children playing.
泥中を這う貝と遊ぶ子供たち。 - On the beach, children play while shellfish grope at the edge of the water.
- Shellfish groping and children playing.
- 15度(14°〜15°)
- A man muffled up with a rakish silk hat.
洒脱なシルクハットで、すっぽり覆った男性。 - Head covered with a rakish silk hat, muffled against the cold, a man braves a storm.
- A man muffled up with a rakish silk hat.
- 16度(15°〜16°)
- An old man attempting vainly to reveal the Mysteries.
玄義を解き明かそうと虚しく試みる老人。 - An old teacher fails to interest his pupils in traditional knowledge.
- An old man attempting vainly to reveal the Mysteries.
- 17度(16°〜17°)
- A battle between the swords and the torches.
剣と松明の戦い。 - A symbolic battle between "swords" and "torches."
- A battle between the swords and the torches.
- 18度(17°〜18°)
- A woman holding a bag out of a window.
窓の外でバッグを持つ女性。 - A woman airing an old bag through the open window of her room.
- A woman holding a bag out of a window.
- 19度(18°〜19°)
- A newly formed continent.
新しく形づくられた大陸。 - A new continent rising out of the ocean.
- A newly formed continent.
- 20度(19°〜20°)
- Wind clouds and haste.
雲を呼び吹き荒ぶ風。 - Wisps of wing-like clouds streaming across the sky.
- Wind clouds and haste.
- 21度(20°〜21°)
- A finger pointing in an open book.
開いた本の中を指し示す指。 - A finger pointing to a line in an open book.
- A finger pointing in an open book.
- 22度(21°〜22°)
- White dove over troubled waters.
荒海の上の白い鳩。 - A white dove flying over troubled waters.
- White dove over troubled waters.
- 23度(22°〜23°)
- A jewelry shop.
宝石店。 - A jewelry shop filled with valuable gems.
- A jewelry shop.
- 24度(23°〜24°)
- A mounted Indian with scalp locks.
髪束付き頭皮をいくつも持って馬にまたがるインディアン。 - An Indian warrior riding fiercely, human scalps hanging from his belt.
- A mounted Indian with scalp locks.
- 25度(24°〜25°)
- A large well-kept public park.
手入れの行き届いた広い公園。 - A vast public park.
- A large well-kept public park.
- 26度(25°〜26°)
- A Spaniard serenading his senorita.
恋人にセレナーデを歌うスペイン人。 - A Spanish gallant serenades his beloved.
- A Spaniard serenading his senorita.
- 27度(26°〜27°)
- A squaw selling beads.
ビーズを売るインディアンの女性。 - An old Indian woman selling the artifacts of her tribe to passers-by.
- A squaw selling beads.
- 28度(27°〜28°)
- A woman pursued by mature romance.
大人のロマンスに迫られた女性。 - A woman, past her "change of life," experiences a new love.
- A woman pursued by mature romance.
- 29度(28°〜29°)
- Two cobblers working at a table.
同じテーブルで作業する2人の靴職人。 - Two cobblers working at a table.
- Two cobblers working at a table.
- 30度(29°〜30°)
- A peacock parading on an ancient lawn.
古代の芝生を練り歩く孔雀。 - A peacock parading on the terrace of an old castle.
- A peacock parading on an ancient lawn.
- 1度(0°〜1°)
- A glass-bottomed boat in still water.
静かな水に浮かぶグラス底のボート。 - A glass-bottomed boat reveals undersea wonders.
- A glass-bottomed boat in still water.
- 2度(1°〜2°)
- Santa Claus filling stockings furtively.
靴下にこっそり詰め込むサンタクロース。 - Santa Clause furtively filling stockings hanging in front of the fireplace.
- Santa Claus filling stockings furtively.
- 3度(2°〜3°)
- The garden of the Tuileries.
テュイルリー公園。 - The garden of the Tuileries in Paris.
- The garden of the Tuileries.
- 4度(3°〜4°)
- Holly and mistletoe.
ヒイラギとヤドリギ。 - Holly and mistletoe reawaken old memories of Christmas.
- Holly and mistletoe.
- 5度(4°〜5°)
- A radical magazine.
急進派の雑誌。 - A revolutionary magazine asking for action.
- A radical magazine.
- 6度(5°〜6°)
- Drilling for oil.
石油の掘削。 - Workmen drilling for oil.
- Drilling for oil.
- 7度(6°〜7°)
- An old-fashioned well.
古風な井戸。 - A well with bucket and rope under the shade of majestic trees.
- An old-fashioned well.
- 8度(7°〜8°)
- An industrial strike.
工業労働者のストライキ。 - Aroused strikers surround a factory.
- An industrial strike.
- 9度(8°〜9°)
- A quiver filled with arrows.
矢で満たされた矢筒。 - A quiver filled with arrows.
- A quiver filled with arrows.
- 10度(9°〜10°)
- An airplane falling.
落下する飛行機。 - An airplane performing a nose dive.
- An airplane falling.
- 11度(10°〜11°)
- A new path of realism in experience.
体験による現実主義の新しい道。 - Newly opened lands offer the pioneer new opportunities for experience.
- A new path of realism in experience.
- 12度(11°〜12°)
- A Topsy saucily asserting herself.
ずうずうしく自己主張するトプシー(「アンクル・トムの小屋」に登場する黒人の少女)のような少女。 - A Negro girl fights for her independence in the city.
- A Topsy saucily asserting herself.
- 13度(12°〜13°)
- A great musician at his piano.
自分のピアノに向かう偉大な音楽家。 - A famous pianist giving a concert performance.
- A great musician at his piano.
- 14度(13°〜14°)
- A conversation by telepathy.
テレパシーによる会話。 - Bridging physical space and social distinctions, two men communicate telepathically.
- A conversation by telepathy.
- 15度(14°〜15°)
- Two Dutch children talking.
会話する2人のオランダ人の子供。 - Two Dutch children talking to each other, exchanging their knowledge.
- Two Dutch children talking.
- 16度(15°〜16°)
- A woman suffragist haranguing.
熱弁を振るう女性参政権論者の女性。 - A woman activist in an emotional speech dramatizing her cause.
- A woman suffragist haranguing.
- 17度(16°〜17°)
- The head of health dissolved into the head of mentality.
知性の頭に溶け込んだ健康の頭。 - The head of a robust youth changes into that of a mature thinker.
- The head of health dissolved into the head of mentality.
- 18度(17°〜18°)
- Two Chinese men talking Chinese.
中国語を話す2人の中国人男性。 - Two Chinese men converse in their native tongue in an American city.
- Two Chinese men talking Chinese.
- 19度(18°〜19°)
- A large archaic volume.
長大な古代の書物。 - A large archaic volume reveals a traditional wisdom.
- A large archaic volume.
- 20度(19°〜20°)
- A cafeteria.
カフェテリア。 - A modern cafeteria displays an abundance of food, products of various regions.
- A cafeteria.
- 21度(20°〜21°)
- A labor demonstration.
労働者のデモ活動。 - A tumultuous labor demonstration.
- A labor demonstration.
- 22度(21°〜22°)
- A barn dance.
バーンダンス(納屋などで行われる民族舞踊)。 - Dancing couples in a harvest festival.
- A barn dance.
- 23度(22°〜23°)
- Three fledglings in a nest high in a tree.
木の梢の巣にいる3羽の巣立ち雛。 - Three fledglings in a nest high in a tree.
- Three fledglings in a nest high in a tree.
- 24度(23°〜24°)
- Children skating on ice.
氷の上でスケートをする子供たち。 - Children skating over a frozen village pond.
- Children skating on ice.
- 25度(24°〜25°)
- A man trimming palms.
ヤシを剪定する男性。 - A gardener trimming large palm trees.
- A man trimming palms.
- 26度(25°〜26°)
- Winter frost in the woods.
森の冬の霜。 - Frost-covered trees against winter skies.
- Winter frost in the woods.
- 27度(26°〜27°)
- A gypsy coming out of the forest.
森から出て来たジプシー。 - A gypsy emergimg from the forest wherein her tribe is encamped.
- A gypsy coming out of the forest.
- 28度(27°〜28°)
- A man declared bankrupt.
破産宣告を受けた男性。 - Through bankruptcy, society gives to an overburdened individual the opportunity to begin again.
- A man declared bankrupt.
- 29度(28°〜29°)
- The first mockingbird in spring.
春の最初のマネシツグミ(口まね鳥)。 - The first mockingbird of spring.
- The first mockingbird in spring.
- 30度(29°〜30°)
- Bathing beauties.
水浴びをする美女たち。 - A parade of bathing beauties before large beach crowds.
- Bathing beauties.
- 1度(0°〜1°)
- A furled and an unfurled flag displayed from a vessel.
大型船に掲げられる畳んだ旗と広げられた旗。 - On a ship the sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one.
- A furled and an unfurled flag displayed from a vessel.
- 2度(1°〜2°)
- A man suspended over a vast level place.
広大な平地の上に吊り下がる男性。 - A man on a magic carpet hovers over a large area of land.
- A man suspended over a vast level place.
- 3度(2°〜3°)
- A man all bundled up in fur leading a shaggy deer.
毛むくじゃらの鹿を連れて毛皮を全身に着込んだ男。 - A man bundled in fur leads a shaggy deer.
- A man all bundled up in fur leading a shaggy deer.
- 4度(3°〜4°)
- A cat arguing with a mouse.
ネズミと討論する猫。 - A cat arguing with a mouse.
- A cat arguing with a mouse.
- 5度(4°〜5°)
- An automobile wrecked by a train.
列車に轢かれた自動車。 - At a railroad crossing, an automobile is wrecked by a train.
- An automobile wrecked by a train.
- 6度(5°〜6°)
- Game birds feathering their nests.
巣を快適に整える猟鳥たち。 - Game birds feathering their nests.
- Game birds feathering their nests.
- 7度(6°〜7°)
- Two fairies on a moonlit night.
月灯りの夜の2体の妖精。 - Two nature spirits dancing under the moonlight.
- Two fairies on a moonlit night.
- 8度(7°〜8°)
- Rabbits dressed in clothes and on parade.
服を着て練り歩くウサギたち。 - A group of rabbits dressed in human clothes walk as if on parade.
- Rabbits dressed in clothes and on parade.
- 9度(8°〜9°)
- A tiny nude miss reaching in the water for a fish.
水中で魚に手を伸ばす幼い裸の娘。 - A small, naked girl bends over a pond trying to catch a fish.
- A tiny nude miss reaching in the water for a fish.
- 10度(9°〜10°)
- A large diamond not completely cut.
完全にはカットされていない大きなダイヤモンド。 - A large diamond in the first stages of the cutting process.
- A large diamond not completely cut.
- 11度(10°〜11°)
- A clown making grimaces.
しかめ面をするピエロ。 - A clown caricaturing well-known personalities.
- A clown making grimaces.
- 12度(11°〜12°)
- A Chinese woman nursing a baby with a message.
神託を携えた赤ん坊に授乳する中国人の女性。 - A Chinese woman nursing a baby whose aura reveals him to be the reincarnation of a great teacher.
- A Chinese woman nursing a baby with a message.
- 13度(12°〜13°)
- One hand slightly flexed with a very prominent thumb.
非常に親指の目立つ僅かに曲げた片手。 - A hand with a prominent thumb is held out for study.
- One hand slightly flexed with a very prominent thumb.
- 14度(13°〜14°)
- A very old man facing a vast dark space to the northeast.
北東の広大な暗い空間に向き合う非常に年老いた男性。 - A very old man facing a vast dark space to the northeast.
- A very old man facing a vast dark space to the northeast.
- 15度(14°〜15°)
- A group of people who have overeaten and enjoyed it.
暴食してそれを楽しんだ人々の一団。 - In a sumptuous dining hall guests relax after partaking of a huge banquet.
- A group of people who have overeaten and enjoyed it.
- 16度(15°〜16°)
- A man before a square with a manuscript scroll before him.
写本の巻物を前にして正方形の前にいる男性。 - A man studying a mandala in front of him, with the help of a very ancient book.
- A man before a square with a manuscript scroll before him.
- 17度(16°〜17°)
- The germ grows into knowledge and life.
胚芽が成長して知識と生命になる。 - The unfoldment of multilevel potentialities issuing from an original germ.
- The germ grows into knowledge and life.
- 18度(17°〜18°)
- A hen scratching for her chicks.
自分の雛たちのために引っ掻く雌鳥。 - A hen scratching the ground to find nourishment for her progeny.
- A hen scratching for her chicks.
- 19度(18°〜19°)
- A priest performing a marriage ceremony.
結婚式を執り行う司祭。 - A priest performing a marriage ceremony.
- A priest performing a marriage ceremony.
- 20度(19°〜20°)
- Gondoliers in a serenade.
同じセレナーデの中にいるゴンドラ漕ぎたち。 - Venetian gondoliers giving a serenade.
- Gondoliers in a serenade.
- 21度(20°〜21°)
- A prima donna singing.
歌うプリマドンナ。 - A famous singer is proving her virtuosity during an operatic performance.
- A prima donna singing.
- 22度(21°〜22°)
- A woman awaiting a sailboat.
ヨットを待つ女性。 - A young woman awaiting a sailboat.
- A woman awaiting a sailboat.
- 23度(22°〜23°)
- Meeting of a literary society.
文芸協会の会合。 - The meeting of a literary society.
- Meeting of a literary society.
- 24度(23°〜24°)
- A woman and two men on a bit of sunlit land facing south.
南面して日当たりの良い小さな土地にいる1人の女性と2人の男性。 - A woman and two men castaways on a small island of the south seas.
- A woman and two men on a bit of sunlit land facing south.
- 25度(24°〜25°)
- A dark shadow or mantle thrown over the right shoulder.
右肩越しに投げつけられた暗い影もしくはマント。 - A will-full man is overshadowed by a descent of superior power.
- A dark shadow or mantle thrown over the right shoulder.
- 26度(25°〜26°)
- Contentment and happiness in luxury, people reading on davenports.
贅沢な満足感と幸福感の中、大きなソファーで読書をする人々。 - Guests are reading in the library of a luxurious home.
- Contentment and happiness in luxury, people reading on davenports.
- 27度(26°〜27°)
- A storm in a canyon.
渓谷の嵐。 - A violent storm in a canyon filled with expensive homes.
- A storm in a canyon.
- 28度(27°〜28°)
- A modern Pocahontas.
現代のポカホンタス。 - An Indian girl introduces her white lover to her assembled tribe.
- A modern Pocahontas.
- 29度(28°〜29°)
- A Muse weighing twins.
双子の体重を測るミューズ神。 - A Greek Muse weighing new-born twins in golden scales.
- A Muse weighing twins.
- 30度(29°〜30°)
- A Daughter of the American Revolution.
「アメリカ革命の娘たち」(米国独立戦争に関わった人々の直系の女性子孫の会)の会員女性。 - A Daughter of the American Revolution.
- A Daughter of the American Revolution.
- 1度(0°〜1°)
- A case of apoplexy.
ある脳卒中の症例。 - Blood rushes to a man's head as his vital energies are mobilized under the spur of ambition.
- A case of apoplexy.
- 2度(1°〜2°)
- An epidemic of mumps.
おたふく風邪の流行。 - An epidemic of mumps.
- An epidemic of mumps.
- 3度(2°〜3°)
- A woman having her hair bobbed.
髪をボブにした女性。 - A middle-aged woman, her long hair flowing over her shoulders and in a bra-less youthful garment.
- A woman having her hair bobbed.
- 4度(3°〜4°)
- A man formally dressed and a deer with its horns folded.
正装の男性と角を折られた鹿。 - A formally dressed elderly man stands near trophies he brought back from a hunting expedition.
- A man formally dressed and a deer with its horns folded.
- 5度(4°〜5°)
- Rock formations at the edge of precipice.
断崖の縁にある岩層。 - Rock formations tower over a deep canyon.
- Rock formations at the edge of precipice.
- 6度(5°〜6°)
- An old-fashioned woman and an up-to-date girl.
古風な女性と今時の少女。 - A conservative, old-fashioned lady is confronted by a "hippie" girl.
- An old-fashioned woman and an up-to-date girl.
- 7度(6°〜7°)
- The constellations in the sky.
空の星座たち。 - The constellations of stars shine brilliantly in the night sky.
- The constellations in the sky.
- 8度(7°〜8°)
- A Bolshevik propagandist.
ボリシェヴィキのプロパガンダ要員。 - A communist activist spreading his revolutionary ideals.
- A Bolshevik propagandist.
- 9度(8°〜9°)
- Glass blowers.
吹きガラス職人たち。 - Glass blowers shape beautiful vases with their controlled breathing.
- Glass blowers.
- 10度(9°〜10°)
- Early morning dew.
早朝の朝露。 - Early morning dew sparkles as sunlight floods the field.
- Early morning dew.
- 11度(10°〜11°)
- Children on a swing in a huge oak tree.
樫の巨木にあるブランコの上の子供たち。 - Children play on a swing hanging from the branches of a huge oak tree.
- Children on a swing in a huge oak tree.
- 12度(11°〜12°)
- An evening lawn party.
夜の野外パーティ。 - An evening party of adults on a lawn illuminated by fancy lanterns.
- An evening lawn party.
- 13度(12°〜13°)
- An old sea captain rocking
体を揺らす年老いた船長。 - An old sea captain rocking himself on the porch of his cottage.
- An old sea captain rocking
- 14度(13°〜14°)
- The human soul awaiting opportunity for expression.
表現の機会を待つ人間の魂。 - A human soul seeking opportunities for outward manifestation.
- The human soul awaiting opportunity for expression.
- 15度(14°〜15°)
- A pageant.
野外行進劇。 - A pageant, with its spectacular floats, moves along a street crowded with cheering people.
- A pageant.
- 16度(15°〜16°)
- Sunshine just after a storm.
嵐の直後の日光。 - The storm ended, all nature rejoices in brilliant sunshine.
- Sunshine just after a storm.
- 17度(16°〜17°)
- A nonvested church choir.
非正規の聖歌隊。 - A volunteer church choir singing religious hymns.
- A nonvested church choir.
- 18度(17°〜18°)
- A teacher of chemistry.
科学の教師。 - A chemist conducts an experiment for his students.
- A teacher of chemistry.
- 19度(18°〜19°)
- A houseboat party.
ボートハウスのパーティー。 - A houseboat party.
- A houseboat party.
- 20度(19°〜20°)
- The Zuni sun worshippers.
ズニ族の太陽崇拝者たち。 - Zuni indians perform a ritual to the sun.
- The Zuni sun worshippers.
- 21度(20°〜21°)
- Chickens intoxicated.
酔っ払った鶏たち。 - Intoxicated chickens dizzily flap their wings trying to fly.
- Chickens intoxicated.
- 22度(21°〜22°)
- A carrier pigeon.
伝書鳩。 - A carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission.
- A carrier pigeon.
- 23度(22°〜23°)
- A bareback rider.
裸馬の騎手。 - In a circus the bareback rider displays her dangerous skill.
- A bareback rider.
- 24度(23°〜24°)
- An untidy, unkempt man.
だらしない、モジャモジャ髪の男性。 - Totally concentrated upon inner spiritual attainment, a man is sitting in a state of complete neglect of bodily appearance and cleanliness.
- An untidy, unkempt man.
- 25度(24°〜25°)
- A large camel crossing the desert.
砂漠を横切る大きなラクダ。 - A large camel is seen crossing a vast and forbidding desert.
- A large camel crossing the desert.
- 26度(25°〜26°)
- A rainbow.
虹。 - After the heavy storm, a rainbow.
- A rainbow.
- 27度(26°〜27°)
- Daybreak.
夜明け。 - The luminescence of dawn in the eastern sky.
- Daybreak.
- 28度(27°〜28°)
- Many little birds on the limb of a large tree.
大木の大枝にいるたくさんの小鳥たち。 - Many little birds on a limb of a big tree.
- Many little birds on the limb of a large tree.
- 29度(28°〜29°)
- A mermaid.
人魚。 - A mermaid emerges from the ocean waves ready for rebirth in human form.
- A mermaid.
- 30度(29°〜30°)
- An unsealed letter.
封されていない手紙。 - An unsealed letter.
- An unsealed letter.
- 1度(0°〜1°)
- A man's head.
男性の頭部。 - In a portrait, the significant features of a man's head are artistically emphasized.
- A man's head.
- 2度(1°〜2°)
- A large white cross upraised.
掲げられた大きな白い十字架。 - A large white cross dominates the landscape.
- A large white cross upraised.
- 3度(2°〜3°)
- Two angels bring protection.
守護をもたらす2体の天使。 - Two guardian angels.
- Two angels bring protection.
- 4度(3°〜4°)
- A colored child playing with white children.
白人の子供たちと遊ぶ有色人種の子供。 - Black and white children play together happily.
- A colored child playing with white children.
- 5度(4°〜5°)
- A man dreaming of fairies.
妖精の夢を見る男性。 - A man becoming aware of nature spirits and normally unseen spiritual agencies.
- A man dreaming of fairies.
- 6度(5°〜6°)
- A merry-go-round.
回転木馬。 - A merry-go-round.
- A merry-go-round.
- 7度(6°〜7°)
- A harem.
ハーレム。 - A harem.
- A harem.
- 8度(7°〜8°)
- First dancing instruction.
初めてのダンス指導。 - A five-year-old child takes a first dancing lesson.
- First dancing instruction.
- 9度(8°〜9°)
- A man making a futurist drawing.
未来派の絵画を描く男性。 - An expressionist painter at work.
- A man making a futurist drawing.
- 10度(9°〜10°)
- Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows.
暗闇を注視して見透かす2つの頭。 - Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows.
- Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows.
- 11度(10°〜11°)
- A boy molded in his mother's aspiration for him.
母親の願望通りに鋳込まれた少年。 - In her baby a mother sees her deep longing for a son answered.
- A boy molded in his mother's aspiration for him.
- 12度(11°〜12°)
- A bride with her veil snatched away.
ベールを剥ぎ取られた花嫁。 - After the wedding, the groom snatches the veil away from his bride.
- A bride with her veil snatched away.
- 13度(12°〜13°)
- A strong hand supplanting political hysteria.
政治的ヒステリー状態を駆逐する強力な手腕。 - A powerful statesman overcomes a state of political hysteria.
- A strong hand supplanting political hysteria.
- 14度(13°〜14°)
- A family tree.
家系図。 - An aristocratic family tree.
- A family tree.
- 15度(14°〜15°)
- An ornamental handkerchief.
装飾用のハンカチーフ。 - A fine lace handkerchief, heirloom from valorous ancestors.
- An ornamental handkerchief.
- 16度(15°〜16°)
- An orangutan.
オランウータン。 - In the zoo, children are brought face to face with an orang-utang.
- An orangutan.
- 17度(16°〜17°)
- A volcano in eruption.
噴火中の火山。 - A volcanic eruption.
- A volcano in eruption.
- 18度(17°〜18°)
- A Ouija board.
霊話盤(ウィジャボード)。 - A Ouija board.
- A Ouija board.
- 19度(18°〜19°)
- A swimming race.
競泳。 - A swimming race.
- A swimming race.
- 20度(19°〜20°)
- An automobile caravan.
自動車の隊列。 - A caravan of cars headed to the West Coast.
- An automobile caravan.
- 21度(20°〜21°)
- A girls' basketball team.
少女たちのバスケットボールチーム。 - A girl's basketball team.
- A girls' basketball team.
- 22度(21°〜22°)
- A royal coat of arms.
王家の紋章。 - A royal coat of arms enriched with precious stones.
- A royal coat of arms.
- 23度(22°〜23°)
- An animal trainer.
動物の調教師。 - A lion tamer displays his skill and character.
- An animal trainer.
- 24度(23°〜24°)
- Mary and her white lamb.
メリーさんと彼女の白い仔羊。 - Mary and her little lamb.
- Mary and her white lamb.
- 25度(24°〜25°)
- A flag at half-mast.
半旗。 - A flag at half-mast in front of a public building.
- A flag at half-mast.
- 26度(25°〜26°)
- A boy with a censer.
香炉を持つ少年。 - A boy with a censer serves the priest near the altar.
- A boy with a censer.
- 27度(26°〜27°)
- Grande dames at tea.
お茶会の貴族のお局様たち。 - A group of aristocratic ladies meet ceremonially at a court's function.
- Grande dames at tea.
- 28度(27°〜28°)
- A bald-headed man.
禿頭の男性。 - A baldheaded man who has seized power.
- A bald-headed man.
- 29度(28°〜29°)
- A man gaining secret knowledge from a paper he is reading.
読んでいる書類から秘密の知識を得る男性。 - A seeker after occult knowledge is reading an ancient scroll which illumines his mind.
- A man gaining secret knowledge from a paper he is reading.
- 30度(29°〜30°)
- A false call unheard in attention to immediate service.
目先の用務に気を取られて聞こえなかった詐欺の電話。 - Totally intent upon completing an immediate task, a man is deaf to any allurement.
- A false call unheard in attention to immediate service.
- 1度(0°〜1°)
- A butterfly made perfect by a dart through it.
1本の針で貫かれて完璧になった蝶。 - In a collection of perfect specimens of many biological forms, a butterfly displays the beauty of its wings, its body impaled by a fine dart.
- A butterfly made perfect by a dart through it.
- 2度(1°〜2°)
- The light of the sixth race transmuted to the seventh.
第七種族へと転化する第六種族の光。 - The transmutation of the fruits of past experiences into the seed-realizations of the forever creative spirit.
- The light of the sixth race transmuted to the seventh.
- 3度(2°〜3°)
- The dawn of a new day, everything changed.
何もかもが変化した、新しい一日の夜明け。 - The dawn of a new day reveals everything changed.
- The dawn of a new day, everything changed.
- 4度(3°〜4°)
- A group around a campfire.
キャンプファイヤーを囲む一団。 - round a campfire a group of young people sit in spiritual communion.
- A group around a campfire.
- 5度(4°〜5°)
- A man teaching the true inner knowledge.
真の内なる知識を教える男性。 - A man revealing to this students the foundation of an inner knowledge upon which a "new world" could be built.
- A man teaching the true inner knowledge.
- 6度(5°〜6°)
- The ideals of a man abundantly crystallised.
豊かに結晶化した男性のいくつかの理想。 - A man watches his ideals taking a concrete form before his inner vision.
- The ideals of a man abundantly crystallised.
- 7度(6°〜7°)
- A woman feeding chickens and protecting them from the hawks.
鶏たちに餌を与え鷹から保護する女性。 - A woman feeding chickens and protecting them from the hawks.
- A woman feeding chickens and protecting them from the hawks.
- 8度(7°〜8°)
- A blazing fireplace in a deserted home.
人けのない家の中で燃え盛る暖炉。 - A blazing fireplace in a deserted home.
- A blazing fireplace in a deserted home.
- 9度(8°〜9°)
- Three old masters hanging in an art gallery.
画廊の壁に掛かった3枚の巨匠の絵画。 - Three "old masters" hanging on the wall of a special room in an art gallery.
- Three old masters hanging in an art gallery.
- 10度(9°〜10°)
- A canoe approaching safety through dangerous waters.
危険水域を抜けて安全な場所に近づくカヌー。 - Having passed safely through narrow rapids, a canoe reaches calm waters.
- A canoe approaching safety through dangerous waters.
- 11度(10°〜11°)
- A professor peering over his glasses.
眼鏡越しに覗き見る教授。 - A professor peering over his glasses at his students.
- A professor peering over his glasses.
- 12度(11°〜12°)
- Miners emerging from a mine.
鉱山から現れる鉱夫たち。 - Miners are surfacing from a deep coal mine.
- Miners emerging from a mine.
- 13度(12°〜13°)
- Children blowing soap bubbles.
シャボン玉を吹く子供たち。 - Children blowing soap bubbles.
- Children blowing soap bubbles.
- 14度(13°〜14°)
- A noon siesta.
正午の午睡。 - In the heat of the noon hour a man takes a siesta.
- A noon siesta.
- 15度(14°〜15°)
- Circular paths.
いくつかの環状の小径。 - Circular paths.
- Circular paths.
- 16度(15°〜16°)
- A boat landing washed away.
押し流された船着き場。 - After a storm a boat landing stands in need of reconstruction.
- A boat landing washed away.
- 17度(16°〜17°)
- A retired sea captain.
引退した船長。 - A retired sea captain watches ships entering and leaving the harbor.
- A retired sea captain.
- 18度(17°〜18°)
- Two men placed under arrest.
逮捕された2人の男性。 - Two men placed under arrest.
- Two men placed under arrest.
- 19度(18°〜19°)
- A gang of robbers in hiding.
潜伏している強盗団の一味。 - A gang of robbers in hiding.
- A gang of robbers in hiding.
- 20度(19°〜20°)
- A Jewish rabbi.
ユダヤ教のラビ。 - A rabbi performing his duties.
- A Jewish rabbi.
- 21度(20°〜21°)
- A crowd upon the beach.
浜辺の群衆。 - A Sunday crowd enjoying the beach.
- A crowd upon the beach.
- 22度(21°〜22°)
- A child giving birds a drink.
鳥たちに飲み水をやる子供。 - A child giving birds a drink at a fountain.
- A child giving birds a drink.
- 23度(22°〜23°)
- Chanticleer.
チャンティクリア(チョーサー「カンタベリー物語」内の「狐物語」に登場する雄鶏)。 - Chanticleer's voice heralds the sunrise.
- Chanticleer.
- 24度(23°〜24°)
- A third wing on the left side of a butterfly.
蝶の左側にある3枚目の翅。 - A butterfly with a third wing on its left side.
- A third wing on the left side of a butterfly.
- 25度(24°〜25°)
- Information in the symbol of an autumn leaf.
1枚の紅葉した葉の象徴に込められた情報。 - The sight of an autumn leaf brings to a pilgrim the sudden revelation of the mystery of life and death.
- Information in the symbol of an autumn leaf.
- 26度(25°〜26°)
- An eagle and a large white dove turning one into the other.
鷲と大きな白い鳩が互いに相手に変わる。 - An eagle and a large white dove change into each other.
- An eagle and a large white dove turning one into the other.
- 27度(26°〜27°)
- An airplane hovering overhead.
頭上を旋回する飛行機。 - An airplane sails, high in the clear sky.
- An airplane hovering overhead.
- 28度(27°〜28°)
- A man in the midst of brightening influences.
輝かしい影響の最中にいる男性。 - A man becoming aware of the spiritual forces surrounding and assisting him.
- A man in the midst of brightening influences.
- 29度(28°〜29°)
- Humanity seeking to bridge the span of knowledge.
知識の広がりに橋を架けようとする人類。 - Mankind's vast and enduring effort to reach for knowledge transferable from generation to generation.
- Humanity seeking to bridge the span of knowledge.
- 30度(29°〜30°)
- Three mounds of knowledge on a philosopher's head.
哲学者の頭にある3つの知識の小山。 - Three mounds of knowledge on a philosopher's head.
- Three mounds of knowledge on a philosopher's head.
- 1度(0°〜1°)
- A sight-seeing bus.
観光バス。 - A crowded sightseeing bus on a city street.
- A sight-seeing bus.
- 2度(1°〜2°)
- A broken bottle and spilled perfume.
割れた瓶とこぼれた香水。 - A delicate bottle of perfume lies broken, releasing its fragrance.
- A broken bottle and spilled perfume.
- 3度(2°〜3°)
- A house-raising.
棟上げの集い。 - A house-raising party in a small village enlists the neighbors' cooperation.
- A house-raising.
- 4度(3°〜4°)
- A youth holding a lighted candle.
火の灯った蝋燭を持つ青年。 - A youth carries a lighted candle in a devotional ritual.
- A youth holding a lighted candle.
- 5度(4°〜5°)
- A massive, rocky shore.
巨大な、岩場の海岸。 - A massive rocky shore resists the pounding of the sea.
- A massive, rocky shore.
- 6度(5°〜6°)
- A gold rush.
ゴールドラッシュ。 - The gold rush tears men away from their native soil.
- A gold rush.
- 7度(6°〜7°)
- Deep-sea divers.
深海潜水士たち。 - Deep-sea divers.
- Deep-sea divers.
- 8度(7°〜8°)
- The moon shining across the lake.
湖面を照らし渡る月。 - A calm lake bathed in moonlight.
- The moon shining across the lake.
- 9度(8°〜9°)
- Dental work.
歯科医の仕事。 - A dentist at work.
- Dental work.
- 10度(9°〜10°)
- A fellowship supper.
親睦晩餐会。 - A fellowship supper reunites old comrades.
- A fellowship supper.
- 11度(10°〜11°)
- A drowning man rescued.
救出された溺れる男性。 - A drowning man is being rescued.
- A drowning man rescued.
- 12度(11°〜12°)
- An embassy ball.
大使館の舞踏会。 - An official embassy ball.
- An embassy ball.
- 13度(12°〜13°)
- An inventor experimenting.
実験をする発明家。 - An inventor performs a laboratory experiment.
- An inventor experimenting.
- 14度(13°〜14°)
- Telephone linemen at work.
作業中の電話線作業員。 - Telephone linemen at work installing new connections.
- Telephone linemen at work.
- 15度(14°〜15°)
- Children playing around five mounds of sand.
5つの砂山の周りで遊ぶ子供たち。 - Children playing around five mounds of sand.
- Children playing around five mounds of sand.
- 16度(15°〜16°)
- A girl's face breaking into a smile.
破顔一笑する少女の顔。 - A girl's face breaking into a smile.
- A girl's face breaking into a smile.
- 17度(16°〜17°)
- A woman the father of her own child.
我が子の父親でもある女性。 - A woman, fecundated by her own spirit, is "great with child."
- A woman the father of her own child.
- 18度(17°〜18°)
- A woods rich in autumn coloring.
秋の色で豊かな森。 - A path through woods brilliant with multicolored splendor.
- A woods rich in autumn coloring.
- 19度(18°〜19°)
- A parrot listening and then talking.
耳を傾け、そして喋るオウム。 - A parrot repeats the conversation he has overheard.
- A parrot listening and then talking.
- 20度(19°〜20°)
- A woman drawing two curtains aside.
2枚のカーテンを脇へ引く女性。 - A woman draws away two dark curtains closing the entrance to a sacred pathway.
- A woman drawing two curtains aside.
- 21度(20°〜21°)
- A soldier derelict in duty.
任務を放棄する兵士。 - Obeying his conscience, a soldier resists orders.
- A soldier derelict in duty.
- 22度(21°〜22°)
- Hunters starting out for ducks.
鴨たちに向かう猟師たち。 - Hunters shooting wild ducks.
- Hunters starting out for ducks.
- 23度(22°〜23°)
- A bunny metamorphosed into a fairy.
妖精に変身する仔兎。 - A rabbit metamorphoses into a nature spirit.
- A bunny metamorphosed into a fairy.
- 24度(23°〜24°)
- Crowds coming down the mountain to listen to one man.
1人の男性の話を聞くために下山する群衆。 - After having heard an inspired individual deliver his "sermon on the mount," crowds are returning home.
- Crowds coming down the mountain to listen to one man.
- 25度(24°〜25°)
- An x ray.
X線。 - An X-ray photograph.
- An x ray.
- 26度(25°〜26°)
- Indians making camp.
野営をするインディアンたち。 - American Indians making camp after moving into a new territory.
- Indians making camp.
- 27度(26°〜27°)
- A military band on the march.
行進する軍楽隊。 - A military band marches noisily on through the city streets.
- A military band on the march.
- 28度(27°〜28°)
- The king of the fairies approaching his domain.
自分の領地に近づく妖精の王。 - The king of the fairies approaching his domain.
- The king of the fairies approaching his domain.
- 29度(28°〜29°)
- An Indian squaw pleading to the chief for the lives of her children.
酋長に我が子たちの命を乞うインディアンの女性。 - An Indian squaw pleading to the chief for the lives of her children.
- An Indian squaw pleading to the chief for the lives of her children.
- 30度(29°〜30°)
- The Halloween jester.
ハロウィンの道化師。 - Children in Halloween costumes indulge in various pranks.
- The Halloween jester.
- 1度(0°〜1°)
- A Grand Army of the Republic campfire.
北軍陸海軍軍人会(南北戦争の北軍側の退役軍人会)のキャンプファイヤー。 - Retired army veterans gather to reawaken old memories.
- A Grand Army of the Republic campfire.
- 2度(1°〜2°)
- The ocean covered with whitecaps.
白波に覆われた大洋。 - White-capped waves display the power of wind over sea.
- The ocean covered with whitecaps.
- 3度(2°〜3°)
- Two men playing chess.
チェスで遊ぶ2人の男性。 - Two men playing chess.
- Two men playing chess.
- 4度(3°〜4°)
- A little child learning to walk.
歩く練習をする小さな子供。 - A little child learning to walk with the encouragement of his parents.
- A little child learning to walk.
- 5度(4°〜5°)
- An old owl up in a tree.
木の上の年老いたフクロウ。 - An old owl sits alone on the branch of a large tree.
- An old owl up in a tree.
- 6度(5°〜6°)
- A game of cricket.
クリケットの試合。 - A game of cricket.
- A game of cricket.
- 7度(6°〜7°)
- Cupid knocking at the door.
扉をノックするキューピッド。 - Cupid knocks at the door of a human heart.
- Cupid knocking at the door.
- 8度(7°〜8°)
- Rocks and things forming therein.
岩山とその中で形成されるもの。 - Within the depths of the earth new elements are being formed.
- Rocks and things forming therein.
- 9度(8°〜9°)
- A mother with her children on stairs.
階段で子供と一緒にいる母親。 - A mother leads her small child step by step up a steep stairway.
- A mother with her children on stairs.
- 10度(9°〜10°)
- A golden haired goddess of opportunity.
金髪の好機の女神。 - A theatrical representation of a gold-haired goddess of opportunity.
- A golden haired goddess of opportunity.
- 11度(10°〜11°)
- The lamp of physical enlightenment at the left temple.
左の神殿にある肉体的な悟りの灯火。 - In the left section of an archaic temple, a lamp burns in a container shaped like a human body.
- The lamp of physical enlightenment at the left temple.
- 12度(11°〜12°)
- A flag that turns into an eagle that crows.
啼く鷲へと変わる旗。 - A flag turns into an eagle; the eagle turns into a chanticleer saluting the dawn.
- A flag that turns into an eagle that crows.
- 13度(12°〜13°)
- A widow's past brought to light.
明るみに出た未亡人の過去。 - A widow's past is brought to light.
- A widow's past brought to light.
- 14度(13°〜14°)
- The Pyramids and the Sphinx.
いくつかのピラミッドとスフィンクス。 - The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx.
- The Pyramids and the Sphinx.
- 15度(14°〜15°)
- The ground hog looking for its shadow.
自分の影を探すウッドチャック(グラウンドホッグ)。 - The ground hog looking for its shadow on Ground-hog Day, February 2.
- The ground hog looking for its shadow.
- 16度(15°〜16°)
- Sea gulls watching a ship.
船を注視するカモメたち。 - Sea gulls fly around a ship in expectation of food.
- Sea gulls watching a ship.
- 17度(16°〜17°)
- An Easter sunrise service.
復活祭の日の出の礼拝。 - An Easter sunrise service draws a large crowd.
- An Easter sunrise service.
- 18度(17°〜18°)
- Tiny children in sunbonnets.
日除け帽をかぶった小さな子供たち。 - Children playing on the beach, their heads protected by sunbonnets.
- Tiny children in sunbonnets.
- 19度(18°〜19°)
- Pelicans moving their habitat.
生息地を移動するペリカンたち。 - Pelicans menaced by the behavior and refuse of men seek safer areas for bringing up their young.
- Pelicans moving their habitat.
- 20度(19°〜20°)
- Men cutting through ice.
氷を切り出す男性たち。 - In an old-fashioned northern village, men cut the ice of a frozen pond for use during the summer.
- Men cutting through ice.
- 21度(20°〜21°)
- A child and a dog with borrowed eyeglasses.
借りた眼鏡をかけた子供と犬。 - A child and a dog wearing borrowed eyeglasses.
- A child and a dog with borrowed eyeglasses.
- 22度(21°〜22°)
- A Chinese laundry.
中国人の洗濯屋。 - A Chinese laundry.
- A Chinese laundry.
- 23度(22°〜23°)
- Immigrants entering.
入国する移民たち。 - A group of immigrants as they fulfill the requirements of entrance into the new country.
- Immigrants entering.
- 24度(23°〜24°)
- A bluebird standing at the door.
扉の前に立つルリツグミ(青い鳥)。 - A bluebird perched on the gate of a cottage.
- A bluebird standing at the door.
- 25度(24°〜25°)
- A chubby boy on a hobby horse.
揺り木馬に乗る丸々とした少年。 - A chubby boy on a hobby-horse.
- A chubby boy on a hobby horse.
- 26度(25°〜26°)
- A flag-bearer.
旗手。 - A flag bearer in a battle.
- A flag-bearer.
- 27度(26°〜27°)
- A sculptor.
彫刻家。 - A sculptor at his work.
- A sculptor.
- 28度(27°〜28°)
- An old bridge over a beautiful stream.
美しい小川にかかる古い橋。 - An old bridge over a beautiful stream is still in constant use.
- An old bridge over a beautiful stream.
- 29度(28°〜29°)
- A fat boy mowing the lawn.
芝生を刈る太った少年。 - A fat boy mowing the lawn of his house on an elegant suburban street.
- A fat boy mowing the lawn.
- 30度(29°〜30°)
- The Pope.
教皇。 - The Pope, blessing the faithful.
- The Pope.
- 1度(0°〜1°)
- An Indian chief demanding recognition.
承認を要求するインディアンの酋長。 - An Indian chief claims power from the assembled tribes.
- An Indian chief demanding recognition.
- 2度(1°〜2°)
- Three stained-glass windows, one damaged by bombardment.
3枚のステンドグラスの窓、1枚は爆撃で破損している。 - Three rose windows in a Gothic church, one damaged by war.
- Three stained-glass windows, one damaged by bombardment.
- 3度(2°〜3°)
- The human soul receptive to growth and understanding.
成長と理解を受け入れる人間の魂。 - A human soul, in its eagerness for new experiences, seeks embodiment.
- The human soul receptive to growth and understanding.
- 4度(3°〜4°)
- A party entering a large canoe.
大きなカヌーに乗り込む一行。 - A group of people outfitting a large canoe at the start of a journey by water.
- A party entering a large canoe.
- 5度(4°〜5°)
- Indians rowing a canoe and dancing a war dance.
1艘のカヌーを漕ぎ、戦いの舞を踊るインディアンたち。 - Indians on the warpath. While some men row a well-filled canoe, others in it perform a war dance.
- Indians rowing a canoe and dancing a war dance.
- 6度(5°〜6°)
- A dark archway and ten logs at the bottom.
暗いアーチ道とその床にある10本の丸太。 - Ten logs lie under an archway leading to darker woods.
- A dark archway and ten logs at the bottom.
- 7度(6°〜7°)
- A veiled prophet of power.
ベールを被った力ある予言者。 - A veiled prophet speaks, seized by the power of a god.
- A veiled prophet of power.
- 8度(7°〜8°)
- Birds in the house singing happily.
幸せに歌う家の中の鳥たち。 - In a sun-lit home domesticated birds sing joyously.
- Birds in the house singing happily.
- 9度(8°〜9°)
- An angel carrying a harp.
ハープを携えた天使。 - An angel carrying a harp.
- An angel carrying a harp.
- 10度(9°〜10°)
- An albatross feeding from the hand.
手から餌を食べるアホウドリ。 - An albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor.
- An albatross feeding from the hand.
- 11度(10°〜11°)
- A large group of pheasants.
キジの大群。 - A large group of pheasant on a private estate.
- A large group of pheasants.
- 12度(11°〜12°)
- A student of nature lecturing.
自然学講座の学生。 - An illustrated lecture on natural science reveals little-known aspects of life.
- A student of nature lecturing.
- 13度(12°〜13°)
- A fire worshiper.
拝火教の教徒。 - A fire worshiper meditates on the ultimate realities of existence.
- A fire worshiper.
- 14度(13°〜14°)
- An ancient bas-relief carved in granite.
花崗岩に彫られた古代の浅浮き彫り。 - An ancient bas-relief carved in granite remains a witness to a long-forgotten culture.
- An ancient bas-relief carved in granite.
- 15度(14°〜15°)
- Many toys in the children's ward of a hospital.
病院の小児科病棟にあるたくさんの玩具。 - In a hospital, the children's ward is filled with toys.
- Many toys in the children's ward of a hospital.
- 16度(15°〜16°)
- Boys and girls in gymnasium suits.
体操着を着た少年少女たち。 - School grounds filled with boys and girls in gymnasium suits.
- Boys and girls in gymnasium suits.
- 17度(16°〜17°)
- A girl surreptitiously bathing in the nude.
密かに全裸で入浴する少女。 - A repressed woman finds a psychological release in nudism.
- A girl surreptitiously bathing in the nude.
- 18度(17°〜18°)
- The Union Jack.
ユニオンジャック。 - The Union Jack flag flies from a British warship.
- The Union Jack.
- 19度(18°〜19°)
- A child of about five with a huge shopping bag.
大きな買い物袋を抱えた5歳くらいの子供。 - A five-year-old child carrying a bag filled with groceries.
- A child of about five with a huge shopping bag.
- 20度(19°〜20°)
- A hidden choir singing.
歌っている隠れた聖歌隊。 - A hidden choir singing during a religious service.
- A hidden choir singing.
- 21度(20°〜21°)
- A relay race.
リレー競走。 - A relay race.
- A relay race.
- 22度(21°〜22°)
- A general accepting defeat gracefully.
敗北を潔く受け入れる将軍。 - By accepting defeat gracefully, a general reveals nobility of character.
- A general accepting defeat gracefully.
- 23度(22°〜23°)
- Two awards for bravery in war.
戦争での勇敢な行為に贈られる2つの賞。 - A soldier receiving two awards for bravery in combat.
- Two awards for bravery in war.
- 24度(23°〜24°)
- A woman entering a convent.
修道院に入る女性。 - A woman entering a convent.
- A woman entering a convent.
- 25度(24°〜25°)
- An oriental-rug dealer.
ペルシア絨毯の商人。 - A store filled with precious Oriental rugs.
- An oriental-rug dealer.
- 26度(25°〜26°)
- A water sprite.
水の精霊。 - A nature spirit dancing in the iridescent mist of a waterfall.
- A water sprite.
- 27度(26°〜27°)
- A mountain pilgrimage.
山の巡礼。 - Pilgrims climbing the steep steps leading to a mountain shrine.
- A mountain pilgrimage.
- 28度(27°〜28°)
- A large aviary.
大きな鳥小屋。 - A large aviary.
- A large aviary.
- 29度(28°〜29°)
- A woman reading tea leaves.
紅茶占いをする女性。 - A woman reading tea leaves.
- A woman reading tea leaves.
- 30度(29°〜30°)
- A secret business conference.
秘密の商談。 - A secret meeting of men responsible for executive decisions in world affairs.
- A secret business conference.
- 1度(0°〜1°)
- An old adobe mission.
古い日干し煉瓦造りの伝道教会。 - An old adobe mission in California.
- An old adobe mission.
- 2度(1°〜2°)
- An unexpected thunderstorm.
予期せぬ雷雨。 - An unexpected thunderstorm.
- An unexpected thunderstorm.
- 3度(2°〜3°)
- A deserter from the navy.
海軍からの脱走兵。 - A deserter from the navy.
- A deserter from the navy.
- 4度(3°〜4°)
- A Hindu healer.
ヒンドゥー教の治療師。 - A Hindu yogi demonstrates his healing powers.
- A Hindu healer.
- 5度(4°〜5°)
- A council of ancestors.
先祖たちの評議会。 - A council of ancestors is seen implementing the efforts of a young leader.
- A council of ancestors.
- 6度(5°〜6°)
- A performer of a mystery play.
神秘劇の演者。 - A masked figure performs ritualistic acts in a mystery play.
- A performer of a mystery play.
- 7度(6°〜7°)
- A child born of an eggshell.
卵の殻から生まれた子供。 - A child is seen being born out of an egg.
- A child born of an eggshell.
- 8度(7°〜8°)
- Beautifully gowned wax figures.
美しく着飾った蝋人形たち。 - Beautifully gowned wax figures on display.
- Beautifully gowned wax figures.
- 9度(8°〜9°)
- A flag turned into an eagle.
鷲に変化した旗。 - A flag is seen turning into an eagle.
- A flag turned into an eagle.
- 10度(9°〜10°)
- A popularity that proves ephemeral.
儚さを証明する人気。 - A man who had for a time become the embodiment of a popular ideal is made to realize that as a person he is not this ideal.
- A popularity that proves ephemeral.
- 11度(10°〜11°)
- Man tête-à-tête with his inspiration.
自分の啓示と密談する男性。 - During a silent hour, a man receives a new inspiration which may change his life.
- Man tête-à-tête with his inspiration.
- 12度(11°〜12°)
- People on stairs graduated upwards.
上へと送り出される階段にいる人々。 - On a vast staircase stand people of different types, graduated upward.
- People on stairs graduated upwards.
- 13度(12°〜13°)
- A barometer.
気圧計。 - A barometer.
- A barometer.
- 14度(13°〜14°)
- A train entering a tunnel.
トンネルに入る列車。 - A train entering a tunnel.
- A train entering a tunnel.
- 15度(14°〜15°)
- Two lovebirds sitting on a fence.
同じ柵に留まるつがいのボタンインコ。 - Two lovebirds sitting on a fence and singing happily.
- Two lovebirds sitting on a fence.
- 16度(15°〜16°)
- A big-business man at his desk.
自分の座席にいる大事業の実業家。 - A big businessman at his desk.
- A big-business man at his desk.
- 17度(16°〜17°)
- A watchdog standing guard.
見張りをする番犬。 - A watchdog stands guard, protecting his master and his possessions.
- A watchdog standing guard.
- 18度(17°〜18°)
- A man unmasked.
正体を暴かれた男性。 - A man's secret motives are being publicly unmasked.
- A man unmasked.
- 19度(18°〜19°)
- A forest fire quenched.
消し止められた森林火災。 - A forest fire is being subdued by the use of water, chemicals and sheer muscular energy.
- A forest fire quenched.
- 20度(19°〜20°)
- A big white dove, a message bearer.
神託の運び手の、大きな白い鳩。 - A large white dove bearing a message.
- A big white dove, a message bearer.
- 21度(20°〜21°)
- Woman disappointed and disillusioned.
失望し幻滅した女性。 - A disappointed and disillusioned woman courageously faces a seemingly empty life.
- Woman disappointed and disillusioned.
- 22度(21°〜22°)
- A rug placed on a floor for children to play.
子供たちが遊ぶために床に敷かれた敷物。 - A rug is placed on the floor of a nursery to allow children to play in comfort and warmth.
- A rug placed on a floor for children to play.
- 23度(22°〜23°)
- A big bear sitting down and waving all its paws.
座って全ての手脚を振る大きな熊。 - A big bear sitting down and waving all its paws.
- A big bear sitting down and waving all its paws.
- 24度(23°〜24°)
- Man turning his back on his passions teaches from his experience.
己の情熱に背を向けた男性がその経験から教える。 - A man, having overcome his passions, teaches deep wisdom in terms of his experience.
- Man turning his back on his passions teaches from his experience.
- 25度(24°〜25°)
- A butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed.
右の翅がより完璧な形をした蝶。 - A butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed.
- A butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed.
- 26度(25°〜26°)
- A hydrometer.
液体比重計。 - A garage man testing a car's battery with a hydrometer.
- A hydrometer.
- 27度(26°〜27°)
- An ancient pottery bowl filled with violets.
スミレで満たされた古代の陶器の鉢。 - An ancient pottery bowl filled with fresh violets.
- An ancient pottery bowl filled with violets.
- 28度(27°〜28°)
- A tree felled and sawed.
切り倒され鋸で切られた木。 - A tree felled and sawed to ensure a supply of wood for the winter.
- A tree felled and sawed.
- 29度(28°〜29°)
- Butterfly emerging from chrysalis.
蛹から現れる蝶。 - A butterfly emerging from a chrysalis.
- Butterfly emerging from chrysalis.
- 30度(29°〜30°)
- The field of Ardath in bloom.
花咲くアーダスの野原(マリー・コレリの小説「Ardath」に出てくる古代バビロンの神秘的な野原)。 - Deeply rooted in the past of a very ancient culture, a spiritual brotherhood in which many individual minds are merged into the glowing light of an unanimous consciousness is revealed to one who has emerged successfully from his metamorphosis.
- The field of Ardath in bloom.
- 1度(0°〜1°)
- A public market.
公営市場。 - In a crowded marketplace farmers and middlemen display a great variety of products.
- A public market.
- 2度(1°〜2°)
- A squirrel hiding from hunters.
猟師たちから隠れるリス。 - A squirrel hiding from hunters.
- A squirrel hiding from hunters.
- 3度(2°〜3°)
- A petrified forest.
石化林。 - Petrified tree trunks lie broken on desert sand.
- A petrified forest.
- 4度(3°〜4°)
- Heavy traffic on a narrow isthmus.
狭い地峡での大渋滞。 - Heavy car traffic on a narrow isthmus linking two seashore resorts.
- Heavy traffic on a narrow isthmus.
- 5度(4°〜5°)
- A church bazaar.
教会のバザー。 - A church bazaar.
- A church bazaar.
- 6度(5°〜6°)
- Officers on dress parade.
正装閲兵式の将校たち。 - A parade of Army officers in full dress.
- Officers on dress parade.
- 7度(6°〜7°)
- A cross lying on rocks.
岩場に置かれた十字架。 - Illumined by a shaft of light, a large cross lies on rocks surrounded by sea mist.
- A cross lying on rocks.
- 8度(7°〜8°)
- A girl blowing a bugle.
ラッパを吹く少女。 - A girl blowing a bugle.
- A girl blowing a bugle.
- 9度(8°〜9°)
- A jockey.
騎手。 - A jockey spurs his horse, intent on outdistancing his rivals.
- A jockey.
- 10度(9°〜10°)
- An aviator in the clouds.
雲の中の飛行士。 - An aviator pursues his journey, flying through ground-obscuring clouds.
- An aviator in the clouds.
- 11度(10°〜11°)
- Men seeking illumination.
光明を求める人々。 - Men traveling a narrow path, seeking illumination.
- Men seeking illumination.
- 12度(11°〜12°)
- An examination of initiates.
入門者の試験。 - In the sanctuary of an occult brotherhood, newly initiated members are being examined and their character tested.
- An examination of initiates.
- 13度(12°〜13°)
- A sword in a museum.
博物館の剣。 - An ancient sword, used in many battles, is displayed in a museum.
- A sword in a museum.
- 14度(13°〜14°)
- A lady in fox fur.
狐の毛皮を着た貴婦人。 - A lady wrapped in a large stole of fox fur.
- A lady in fox fur.
- 15度(14°〜15°)
- An officer preparing to drill his men.
部下の訓練の準備をする将校。 - An officer instructing his men before a simulated assault under a barrage of live shells.
- An officer preparing to drill his men.
- 16度(15°〜16°)
- The flow of inspiration.
啓示の流れ。 - In the quiet of his study a creative individual experiences a flow of inspiration.
- The flow of inspiration.
- 17度(16°〜17°)
- An Easter promenade.
復活祭の練り歩き。 - An Easter parade.
- An Easter promenade.
- 18度(17°〜18°)
- A gigantic tent.
巨大な天幕。 - In a gigantic tent, villagers witness a spectacular performance.
- A gigantic tent.
- 19度(18°〜19°)
- A master instructing his pupil.
教え子を指導する師匠。 - A master instructing his disciple.
- A master instructing his pupil.
- 20度(19°〜20°)
- A table set for an evening meal.
夕食の準備が整ったテーブル。 - A table set for an evening meal.
- A table set for an evening meal.
- 21度(20°〜21°)
- A little white lamb, a child and a Chinese servant.
小さな白い子羊と、子供と中国人の下僕。 - Under the watchful and kind eye of a Chinese servant, a girl fondles a little white lamb.
- A little white lamb, a child and a Chinese servant.
- 22度(21°〜22°)
- A man bringing down the new law from Sinai.
新しい律法を携えてシナイ山から降りてくる男性。 - A prophet carrying tablets of the new law is walking down the slopes of Mount Sinai.
- A man bringing down the new law from Sinai.
- 23度(22°〜23°)
- Spiritist phenomena.
霊能力者による現象。 - A "materializing" medium giving a seance.
- Spiritist phenomena.
- 24度(23°〜24°)
- An inhabited island.
人の住む島。 - On a small island surrounded by the vast expanse of the sea, people are seen living in close interaction.
- An inhabited island.
- 25度(24°〜25°)
- The purge of the priesthood.
聖職者たちの追放。 - A religious organization succeeds in overcoming the corrupting influence of perverted practices and materialized ideals.
- The purge of the priesthood.
- 26度(25°〜26°)
- A new moon that divides its influences.
月の影響を切り分ける新月。 - Watching the very thin moon crescent appearing at sunset, different people realize that the time has come to go ahead with their different projects.
- A new moon that divides its influences.
- 27度(26°〜27°)
- A harvest moon.
収穫の満月(9月の満月)。 - The harvest moon illumines a clear autumnal sky.
- A harvest moon.
- 28度(27°〜28°)
- A fertile garden under the full moon.
満月の下の肥沃な庭。 - A fertile garden under the full moon reveals a variety of full-grown vegetables.
- A fertile garden under the full moon.
- 29度(28°〜29°)
- A prism.
プリズム。 - Light breaking into many colors as it passes through a prism.
- A prism.
- 30度(29°〜30°)
- The Great Stone Face.
「大いなる岩の顔(ナサニエル・ホーソーンによる短編小説)」。 - A majestic rock formation resembling a face is idealized by a boy who takes it as his ideal of greatness, and as he grows up, begins to look like it.
- The Great Stone Face.
- 『Sabian Assembly』(1923)
- Marc Edmund Jones『The Sabian Symbols in Astrology』(1993), Aurora Pr, リプリント版
- Dane Rudhyar『An Astrological Mandala』(1974), Vintage Books
- 松村潔『神秘のサビアン占星術』(1991)学習研究社, 366p.
- 松村潔「サビアンシンボルの一覧表」, 松村潔のページ
- apricot通信『サビアン辞典』
- Lumiere『360度シンボル(サビアンなど)』, 占いフォーラム (fanex)
- 歌織@星見当番『星見当番の三角テント』(2004)